
blending out of the connecticulture


Saturday, July 23, 2005

The big news is that I lowered the price of the Ribcage book dramatically. Lopped off most of my royalty and Lulu's as well. Because the bigger the royalty you make, the bigger cut Lulu adds to the price as well. So smaller royalty for me, equals smaller royalty for them, equals far cheaper book! I'd rather sell the book in higher volume than to only my diehard fans at an inflated price. At least I'm getting something out there.

Now was the time, because though I've sold several books, they've all been to people I know personally! So to those people, I'm sorry I changed the price on you! I'll gladly hand you the difference in person, honestly. (Even though Lulu only sends out royalties every THREE months.) I'll at least sign your book next time I see you!

I get far more joy from seeing the number of books sold go up than the few royalty dollars that I won't see until October.

So now then, the book is now available for a ridiculous $9.99.