
blending out of the connecticulture


Friday, July 22, 2005

If anybody that ordered my book receives a cover with the line continuing after the point of the arrow, let me know. I'll have Lulu send you out another book. The line is kind of like a Golden Ticket, except that it's actually an ugly mistake.

I received my first copy of the book and realized that a black border was visible around the edge of the cover, even though I thought it would be outside of the printing area. So I went in and spent hours drawing over this black outline by hand. In the process the line after the point of the arrow was taken away and many things were color corrected. This second picture is what YOUR book should look like.

I also changed a few minor things in the book at that time. All of these changes were made into a new edition and the first edition, which had never been for sale, was deleted. Finally finished, I put the book up for sale and ordered two copies of the new edition for myself.

Today, I got my new books and one of them has the old cover and one of them has the new. Makes no sense at all. The insides are both correct, both perfect. But why I got the old cover on one is beyond me--it doesn't even exist anymore on their site.

So now I'll go ask for a free book. I really hope that this was just a fluke. That they had an extra cover printed from the first order or something.