
blending out of the connecticulture


Friday, July 29, 2005

Received layout samples for Eating Stella Style from Simon and Schuster today. Looks mostly like my father's last book. There was a discussion over the ink color. I think it was decided on black. Yes, that would be standard--but the last book was blue text and I wasn't a very big fan of that.

My name is on the title page. I should take a photo. I mean, it was supposed to be there and all, but it was nice to SEE it there. Of course the title is wrong on this sample page, so I won't take a photo.

This weekend will be fully devoted to the copedit and then Ryan is flying in and we're recording that commentary for our movie, so I've decided to go a different route with my Ribcage story this week. Actually, I've already started writing this week's story and even though it isn't the BIG one, it's quite necessary to the plot. I don't feel I've earned the BIG story yet. I have big plans for that story too, some interesting typesetting and a little more thought is necessary. I am far too busy to wrap my head around that.

For the record, I've already got an exclusive story for the next Ribcage book. Broken Record Syndrome. It's a fantastic little story, just unimportant to the current storyline. (Unlike the exclusive story in the first book, Standing Where It's Sturdy and Safe, which is not only in my top five favorite Ribcage stories, but a great bit of backstory.) The next Ribcage book, it should have many exclusive stories. I've been quite prolific. Now that I know the story all the way through, things are coming to me faster. Sad to say, I plan to wrap the series up within another year.