
blending out of the connecticulture


Thursday, July 21, 2005

You know, something I've been forgetting to mention on here--something I found out about a few weeks back is that I am playing on TVs at every Wal-Mart in the country.

My mother was shopping and she saw it. The "interstitial" that Food Network filmed where my father and I blend up a slushee in a 45 second public service announcement for "Cooking With Your Kids!" Food Network actually paid me for this thing and now I know why.

Because it is playing on loop at every single Wal-Mart. Part of the Wal-Mart Video Network or whatever they call it. I haven't actually been to Wal-Mart since I heard about this, but I really want to go... just wait for the video to come back around to me and then stand under the monitor and see if anyone notices.