
blending out of the connecticulture


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Elise is almost finished with a new painting. Her first painting since this...

I suppose I'll have a picture of the new one (of which I'll keep a mystery) in the coming days.

Now, I'm trying to convince her that her next painting should be an old man slumped in a chair and all over him are these little pods that you can't quite make out. They're attached to his skin a hundred times over, these pods. Flying in the air, there are dozens of beautiful butterflies.

My last idea--it's Superman petting a horse. A beautiful pasture and Superman is just standing next to a horse, holding the reigns in one hand and petting the horse's neck with the other.

My idea before that--a sky with four or five different color blimps flying in the background. Far down below, on the ground there is an entire festival going on. A festival with a great big banner reading, "Blimp Day!"

My idea before that--it's grocery store aisles and pushing a cart in the background is a skeleton. A skeleton and the only things he has in his cart are many, many gallons of milk.

Sometimes, I have nothing better to do.