
blending out of the connecticulture


Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's not that I have blog envy, it's just that I am obsessed with details. It's not that this blog will no longer exist, it's that it will be making a move sometime soon. Like many others, I am bidding farewell to Blogger in search of bigger and better and less whiny things.

I knew that I was going to do something worthwhile with christianstella.com, some day. I'll be relaunching my blog there as soon as I can get everything together. I'm not sure how easy transferring my archives will be, but this address will be up indefinitely just in case. For now, I'll continue to update here as well.

How silly that now I'm paying to blog. I just bought my own webspace with Moveable Type pre-installed in lieu of a more content driven blog/website. Keeping the two seperate seems even sillier.

Depending on how all of this goes, I may also move Ribcage off of my father's server and rebuild the site in Moveable Type as well. Though, I kind of like the charm of my MS Word pasted into MS Paint stories. Either way, the web address, ribcage.org, won't change.

Our audio commentary went well, I believe. Only one broken wine glass. Right now, I'm remastering The Robert Cake's audio and it's a nightmare. Not much I can do there. The movie will be quite louder, but that's about it. Louder is better than nothing though. I believe Anthony is doing a little less of a film effect than before as well--which will mean a clearer picture.

There are some things that I am not allowed to talk about. Really cool stuff pertaining my family and the new book, Eating Stella Style. Then again, I've gone through this same top secret stuff before and nothing materialized. I don't know though, this time it sounds for real. There are some chickens that are so far off that I shouldn't even mention them.